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Rain Walk

Day b4 yesterday around 22hrs,i was walking in the streets near my home….suddenly there was this blinding flash…and rain started to plitter platter everywhere! 😀

Seriously…it was amazing…getting wet in the night…I couldnt say it was raining…just a drizzle…but who cares…its the “getting wet part in the rain” that matters!!!

Filed under: Experience

3.Trip to Kodai – at Hotel

Well…sorry that i took so long to write this post…i was very very busy these days.anyways…i decided to write it and am doing so right now! 🙂

After arriving at the hotel and getting the room,i opened the door that leads to the balcony and turned right and saw few Emus(i guess u should know what an emu is….its a native of new zeland/asutralia and is a flightless bird).Wow…birds at a hotel….never seen that before..atleast i havent.

Ok,i went out and “explored” what all were there…there were many other birds…like the normal parrot,different versions of the same and sum other birds that were beautiful to see…oh did i mention that there were guinea pigs as well as rabbits there???Very nice….oh yeah…there was a waterfall INSIDE the hotel and lucky us,we were able to see it rite frm the room we were put…!!!think photos will do more explanation than my writing!!!here they are!!!I am sorry but i didnt take much photos of the animals but did capture many birds!

i am sorry but i am facing some problems in uploading photos….will try again in few hours time!!!

Filed under: Experience,

2.Trip to Kodai – To Kodai

After that incident,we arrived at the Egmore railway station and boarded the train.Before that,there was an escalator.Haha…..nice time…those few seconds on that escalator!…a child had been asking his dad what is this???how is it working??i am scared…!!!

We boarded the train and the day was the 2020 final between chennai and rajasthan….i was listening to the scores till the last ball chennai played and there was no more reception.
I started to listen to songs…and slept.

Early morning…5 am…i got up and opened the compartment door…wow….beautiful sight…the sun making its way through the mountains up…the green fields…etc etc etc…i returned later to take a photo of the sight…


Heres the picture i took…though in motion…it, i think, has come out good(picture at end)

After arriving at madurai,we got into a cab and set off to kodai…it was a 3 hour journey….saw many nice sceneries…hard to explain… 😀

after about hour and a half…the uphill journey started…at a distance…a long distance…i could see a thin line of white color going down the mountain…a waterfall!!!i am still searching for the photos of the waterfall and will insert it here as soon as i find it

Next up was another waterfall….named SILVER CASCADE….we passed near it…here are the snaps..

nothing more happened worthy to write…thats it…we reached the hotel…

Next post : At hotel!! haha…

Filed under: Experience,

1.Trip to Kodai – To Chennai Central Station

Well…Am gonna write about the trip to kodaikanal…

Leaving home about 8 pm on June 1st,i witnessed an accident…well not exactly an accident….a person fell down from his bike while he was driving…rather rashly…too rashly…that was not all….there was two more opportunities sumother missed!!haha

Oh well…those ppl are risking their lives juz to prove tht they have driving skills???or what

totally,there were about 4 to 5 incidents of rash driving along the marina beach road tht i witnessed on tht night.

Coming up next – To Kodai

Filed under: Experience, ,

Stoppin blogging…

I wont be able to blog for the next few days…till 6th morning…

I am going to Kodaikanal and if possible after i come back i will put some pics here…

Filed under: Uncategorized

About moi…

My name is Vivek and I am final year CSE student.What can I say about me? I like anime and football too.And i like to see wild life,especially if it has a cat,a big cat, in it!
June 2008


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